Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ex-lawmaker Conspiring Fraudently as he was in talks with police

In a news story released yesterday by the AP, Former State Representative Ron Saylor, Junior, pleaded guilty to more counts of fraud. Saylor, Jr, had been cooperating with authorities in a corruption probe. He’d been working with authorities since December, and the press never got word that he had been arrested. While cooperating with authorities, he was planning to land a $250,000 loan frequently by offering his church, where he was a pastor, as collateral. In March, he plead guilty to laundering $375,000 in drug money for an undercover officer. Authorities then found out about the fraudulent loan.

Pleading guilty to these two new counts of fraud, Saylor, Jr, could face up to 80 years in prison and a $2.25 million fine.

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